Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve

After our visit with the Jungs in Birmingham, we drove back to Florence and straight to the Children's Mass at St. Joseph's. Kate was great in church and loved the music. Then we headed back to Nonna and Papa's for the Christmas Eve feast that Papa had prepared. We took the opportunity to snap some pics of Kate in her pretty dress that she wore to church. We had a wonderful quiet evening and a great meal with Nonna and Papa.

Chef Papa

Kate helping Nonna in the kitchen. Kate had a great time visiting with Nonna and Papa this week. I think she still remembers Nonna from the first 2 weeks that Nonna spent with us at home. Nonna was able to get the best smiles and coos from Kate.

Kate hung out patiently in her swing with her seahorse while the adults ate dinner.

Our sweet smiling girl

Our little family

Kate with Momma

Daddy with his little girl

Kate snuggled up with Papa before heading up to bed to wait for Santa.

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