Monday, December 7, 2009

A Couple More Firsts

Kate experienced snow for the first time this weekend. We would have thought that her best shot at seeing snow for the first time would be on a trip to North Alabama, but amazingly enough Baton Rouge received a little dusting of snow on Friday night. For those of you that don't live down here, I'm sure you can imagine that this is a rare sight down here so we stayed up to make sure that we got to experience it. It came after a long day of rain so we didn't want to get Kate out in the weather so she enjoyed it from the comfort of the recliner all snuggled up with her Daddy.

Kate's other first this weekend was that of a victory in the SEC Championship football game. Much to Daddy's disappointment and Mommy's excitement it was Alabama rather than LSU who made it to the big game and was victorious. We watched the game with good friends Scott, Candace and Adi Levy. Kate and Adi enjoyed getting to know one another and the parents all enjoyed the chance to catch up and visit.

Kate and Daddy enjoying the snow from the recliner. As I was taking the picture I thought you were able to see the snow through the door.

Our house in the snow

The big accumulation on the back deck

Adi and Kate playing on the floor while the parents watched the football game

The Daddies with their little girls

And the Mommies enjoying each other's little girls

Here's Kate showing her excitement for the Alabama victory. She's saying "Roll Tide!!"

1 comment:

  1. Both girls are getting cuter every day! I hate to admit it, but Kate even makes "Roll Tide" look cute. We've got to get together soon. Miss y'all!
