Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hanging Out on Bayou Courtableau

After a long day of rocking, eating, sleeping, and pooping (for Kate) and a long day of eating and drinking (for Daddy), we made our way back to Pop Pop's for the night. Pop Pop had cooked supper and after we ate, Kate enjoyed some quiet time with her Pop Pop. After a bath, Kate went off to bed a slept through the whole night. Over the past few weeks, Kate has really settled into a routine that provides Mom and Dad with ample time to get some shut eye.

We woke up on Sunday and headed to Uncle Kev and Aunt Dana's to spend some time with cousins Karoline and Braxton and exchange Christmas gifts.

Before we show some pictures with our time with them, I want to share a quick story.

The week before Kate was born, I drove back home and picked up Dad to attend a funeral for a family friend. After the funeral, Dad and I went to Kevin and Dana's to eat some supper. I find it important to tell you that my brother and his wife can flat out cook. Nothing healthy about what they eat, but you can't question the taste. But that's not the point of the story. After eating, we sat around their living room and discussed my excitement/anxiousness/fear about becoming a Daddy. We all laughed about it and they reassured me I would do just fine. The next day, I received the following e-mail from Kevin and I will never forget the feeling I had as I read it...
I enjoyed the visit last night it was good seeing u hope everything goes good w/ Kate . Don't be afraid it's better than anything you have ever exeperienced in your entire life. Even better than a LSU national championship. They are awsome and will change your life forever. Things that once mattered don't any longer. I would not change a thing if I could, to me it's perfect, meant to be, and I love them like nothing else in this world. Not even my perfect wife. It's a different kind of love you'll see when u hold her for the first time. Sorry I went on and on but I wanted to tell u this before she was born so u can tell me later I was right, u will see.

But I'll never forget the feeling of holding Kate for the first time and thinking about to those words of wisdom I had received from my brother. He was right. He is right.

Abbie and I are blessed with great family and friends that we consider great parents and role models to us as we raise Kate. Kevin and Dana are high on that list. We've learned so much from them and we look forward to raising our kids alongside them.

Braxton playing with his train. Dude is obsessed with his trains. It is so cute to watch.
Karoline opening up her gift
Uncle Kev with Kate

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