Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Santa didn't forget Kate and he was able to find her in Florence. Kate was so excited about Santa that she woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep! Kate has been doing really well in the sleep department, making it through the night (8 hours or more) several times and usually getting a good 5-6 hour stretch in each night. However, on Christmas Eve Kate decided that she wanted to check out her Santa loot a little early. We finally got her back to sleep and all 3 of us dozed the rest of the morning. Mommy and Daddy took the opportunity to enjoy one of the last late Christmas mornings (we finally got up at about 10) for a while.

Kate in her Christmas PJ's with her gifts from Santa

She thought she made out pretty well for only having to be a good girl for 2 months of the year and still getting a visit from Santa

Mom and Dad looking a little rough from the middle of the night activities

Kate says, "Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!" This is a tiny sleigh and Rudolph made by Abbie's Granny and Poppy many years ago. Several of Kate's cousins have endured this same torture of seeing if they will cooperate for a photo op in the sleigh. Kate was not impressed. This was the best shot we got.

Daddy helped Kate open her presents and stocking.

Santa knew that Kate needed some more PJ's since she's growing so fast that she doesn't have much that will fit her right now.

Santa also brought her a few small toys

Daddy got Kate a sweet Willow Tree Guardian Angel for her room.

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